Experts Gather at 'Seoul International 3D Fair'
Experts Gather at 'Seoul International 3D Fair'
  • Natasha Willhite
  • 승인 2011.01.13 16:29
  • 댓글 0
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Seoul International 3D Fair is held in Seoul
Creative juices are running through the minds of the Seoul International 3D Fair dwellers as they listen to the key discussions of 3D film production. The fair will continue through the 16th, where there will be various events and seminars just as the ones that were held today. Today, key speakers were Jack Rapke, founder and partner of ImageMovers; James Miller, known for Stereo Pictures America; David Ebner, Creative Director of Stereo Pictures America; Kim Si-bum, Professor from Andong University; and Kim Jae Ha, Korean known for his 3D research and teachings. The thoughts of the past, present, and future 3D industry was the talk of the day in the Press Conference.

A common belief among these four is that the obstacle they face in 3D production is not the 3D technology nor the artistic ability, but rather the right story to show in 3D. As Ebner enthusiastically explained, "I do not want to see a Romance movie in 3D. It would not be popular so it does not make sense to do it in 3D." Rapke agreed by stating, "Not all movies should be 3D movies."

3D technology is advancing and as a result more films are produced with better imagery. An estimated 150 graphic artists work to produce just one film. The means of producing the film varies from direct 3D filming to 3D conversion methods. Ebner noted that films with action, such as Alice in Wonderland, are typically shot in 2D as the imagery is not as important as the speed. The visual effects are not the focal point in this case, so 3D filming is not practical.

"There is a characterization where the audience does not expect the eyes to be like our eyes..." remarked Rapke in reference to the imagery of 3D that is noticeably evolving. It means that we should not expect a regular film of people to come out as this is not the focus for 3D films. The mix of reality and fantasy satisfy the film makers' and audience's artistic desires.

Rapke particularly believes that production of 3D films should not be based on cost. The only consideration he sees as valid is creativity. Although, he could not deny that 3D films are costly. He stated that the solution to the cost problem is co-production. Overall, the future looks bright for the 3D industry in the eyes of these 3D experts.


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