Take Control, Walk Around in 3D Movies
Take Control, Walk Around in 3D Movies
  • Natasha Willhite
  • 승인 2011.01.14 11:55
  • 댓글 0
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David Ebner, Creative Director for Stereo PIctures America (SPA)
With work in the films such as Alice in Wonderland, Evan Almighty, and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, it is not a surprise that David Ebner, Creative Director for Stereo PIctures America (SPA), attended the thrilling 3D International Fair where all the experienced 3D film makers gather. Ebner sat down with us at the event in Seoul on January 13, 2011 to give his input on the 3D market and film production, 3D filming and 2D to 3D conversion methods.

3D technology is advancing; therefore, demand for greater movies is inevitable. SPA dedicates itself to every film production. "Technology is not making production easier because with advancement there is also demand for improvement. We must balance demand with innovation and productivity," explained Ebner. In order to make a remarkable film, he believes that new tools need to be developed in every project as a film cannot get better with using the same methods all over again.

Ebner considers 3D film to be supported by other industries, in particular the Home Entertainment industry. Firmly he stated, "If people do not see the film in theater, they can enjoy it outside the theater through the 'after-product'." He highlighted the importance of Korean companies such as LG and Samsung, as well as the Japanese company Sony in their role of developing 3D TV's, Blu-rays, and other technologies that give consumers the option to experience the wonders of 3D in their homes.

The future 3D movie viewing will consist of more control by the viewers predicted Ebner. He foresees that with home entertainment systems, the viewers will eventually be able to see 360 degree pictures; therefore, users could choose from which perspective to watch the film. "..see the film from areas that the director didn't intend the viewer to see," Ebner enthusiastically detailed.

The world of 3D is remarkable. If other film producers follow the vision of Ebner and SPA, 3D will become more thrilling than could ever have been imaged. The teams of film producers will collaborate with home entertainment companies to take our movie viewing to another level.

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