Facebook Dancing its way to Phones: ChaCha & Salsa
Facebook Dancing its way to Phones: ChaCha & Salsa
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.02.16 10:23
  • 댓글 0
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The battle of the smartphone has been around for what feels like forever. Facebook collaborated with HTC to bring the first phones -rumored to be first of many- to contain the special 'facebook button'. Hoping for a hot start, the names of ChaCha and Salsa, make expectations soar. The excitement is buzzing as interacting on this hot social website is about to get easier than ever. Both phones are capable of instant posting of photos and music to facebook as well as relevant information and status update alerts. As these phones will be released at the same time, many are left wondering which phone is worthy to grab that will meet their needs. Be ready for the release in the second quarter of this year!



Full Keyboard


2.60-inch display

Talk time: 7.5 hours

OS: Android 2.3.3 (Google Gingerbread)

Auto-focus, 5 megapixel camera

Youtube, Video Playback, and Music Player

3.0 Bluetooth, Wifi, microUSB, and 3.5mm headphone connector







3.40-inch display

Talk time: 7.90 hours

OS: Android 2.3.3 (Google Gingerbread)

2 Cameras (Auto-focus, 5 megapixel and 0.3 megapixel)

Video capturing capabilities (plus video calling)

Youtube, Video Playback, and Music Player

3.0 Bluetooth, Wifi, microUSB, and 3.5mm headphone connector






Overall, your choice will be affected by what activities you do most. If video and camera is important, the pick of the Salsa is obvious. However, if a touchscreen as well as a keyboard as a must, the ChaCha is definitely the winner for you!

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