Advertise with a Bang!
Advertise with a Bang!
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.03.04 07:27
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Minnesota, USA March 3, 2011- As business owners or marketing and advertising representatives, there are a variety of decisions that need to be made to help business increase in profit and/or customer loyalty. Google's AdWords advertising likely comes across the majority people's minds as it is highly known. However, people must realize the benefits and costs of this service prior to dipping in their feet especially if it is a small business with a limited budget.



Everyone should remember that it is illogical to push all advertising and marketing funds towards AdWords as no business can run on just one form of exposure to the public. Although the service can do wonders if you are able to discover the most effective words to fit into the 70 character limit, you cannot rely on watching the click history as means of measuring the success of your ads. Sometimes someone can accidentally click it without even realizing it or it could even not be a person who is clicking your ad.

It can take a long time before a person is able to understand the right combination of words to get their ad noticed by their target group. There are many books that claim to help choose these words; however, it should be seen as just like schooling. Although you are given the basic tools and knowledge, it does not mean it will work in the real world. It is a skill that can only be acquired by using the service and changing the settings as you discover what works for you. If you are lucky, you may be able to come across someone who was successful with this service in the past. I would not advise working with someone that you do not already know.

I cannot say whether AdWords is right for your business. Yet, I was able to give some basic knowledge to help you choose what to do next. You may want to try it out for a while and see if you are able to notice any increase in profit due to this increased exposure. Test it out on your business and let us know what you think of this service.

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