Take the 'Guess Work' out of Shopping with Shopobot
Take the 'Guess Work' out of Shopping with Shopobot
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.06.18 06:43
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Minnesota, USA -June 17, 2011 - For those expensive online purchases, we can spend up to several weeks only to weed through the web to find the best deals; unfortunately, we can miss that window of opportunity since we do not have a clear understanding of what the lowest price was. It is frustrating when an item is bought only to realize that someone found it for less. Fortunately for us, the new e-commerce comparison shopping service, Shopobot, was created to track specific items so that people are able to see the price the item was before, now, and give users the ability to determine when to make that perfect purchase.

Shopobot gathers information on prices of particular products, such as electronics like canon cameras, TVs and kitchen gadgets, by sending off its web crawling bots that regularly crawl the websites:  Walmart, Buy.com, Newegg, Half, and Amazon.com along with 3 other popular e-commerce websites; it uses this data to create charts that show where the prices of the products were a few weeks ago compared to where they are now in relation to all the websites.

In addition to the chart, there is a featured news feed that breaks down the price information as it becomes available; it gives additional details of the most recent activity that perhaps the user cannot see from the chart as the price may not change dramatically enough to see that difference visually.

Shopobot features services, in which it can make recommendations, alert customers of any recent price drops for refund opportunities, provide interactive graphs, and give alerts about particular products that interest users. It proclaims that it found opportunity for this service due to the reason that "Many consumers are unaware of the amount of price volatility online, and over-pay because they make their purchases at the wrong time.  Shopobot intends to change that by bringing transparency and independent analysis to online shopping."

The cute little company robot at the top of the screen gives its feedback by a thumbs up or thumbs down icon followed by a comment explaining its reasoning for the purchase time to be right or wrong. It will detail which website is looking better and how the price compares to how it was even up to almost a month ago. Basically, it tells us when it is a bad time to shop unlike any other website out there; we are always enticed to shop no matter the shopping 'forecast' but now the times are changing.

There is no need to be hesitant to use Shopobot since it actually is not run by any of the websites that it tracks; it does not let these e-retailers present its own deals. There is less price discrepancy from the advertised price and the actual retail price that way. It shows the prices as they are and it has no reason to have you buy at one place versus another, so you know that you can trust what you see.


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