Forced to Stalk?
Forced to Stalk?
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.06.28 06:42
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Minnesota, USA -June 27, 2011 - All the Facebook features are in full-swing; although there was some initial hesitation to use the features such as the location 'check-in', and questions - among a few others -, it appears that users are getting mighty comfortable in using these. At first glance it would look like this is a thumbs-up for Facebook; however, it can make a few users uneasy to know each of their friends in such great detail. We need to be able to decipher how much information is too much and post these details accordingly.


In no way is this article meant to condemn those users who post every move that they make; in contrast, it is to inform them of the possible reactions to posts and the ways in which they could get and maintain the ultimate, positive feedback. For the lack of better words: users must find a 'balance' in their activity updates so that no one starts to feel like they are being forced to stalk others.


These features, particularly the check-in feature, are extraordinary tools that could enhance interactions among friends if they are used correctly. Facebook intends for users to update these as they do new activities in different places; however, if you want to do this in a comfortable way, there are a few tips that could be beneficial to follow.

Tip #1 Do not show your activities from Point A to B, ETC

There may be activities in between your day's 'main' activities that you wish to share. First, you must remember that posting the location and additional details may be too much; it makes some friends feel as if they could take out a map and draw in the lines of where you travel. Creepy, right No one wants to feel like a creeper!

Instead, highlight a specific moment in your day if you think that it could be considered a 'top moment'. For instance, you may stop by a café and bump into a celebrity. Go ahead and post this with a picture! Obviously your friends would want to see this.

Tip #2 Social activities are fun; however, decide which two or three of that day are the best -post them and not the others

Everyone loves to be social and run around on any given day; we must remember that our activities may actually appear to take over our Facebook walls. I may be the first to point this out, but people are lazy -we do not like to 'scroll'.

Basically, post only a few of your favorite activities of the day so that friends are able to see it when viewing your wall -without needing to scroll; give your friends enough space to be able to comment, ETC. This will enhance the interaction among your friends and might cause a friend to join in!

Tip #3 Do not give away too many details

There are some very funny moments while you are socializing in the 'real-world'; obviously, post these! However, make sure that others are able to understand the situation. Do not post every single comment someone makes because it could get mixed up with the others and cause complete confusion. In addition, keep the details to a minimum since this could also increase the chances that your friends will not be able to understand what is happening.

Tip #4 Invite your friends to attend (instead)

It may seem dorky, but take the time to invite your friends to any of your activities -either by text or phone call. The more friends there are, the less you will think of updating everyone so much. You can also decide to just post an 'event' on Facebook and invite your friends to go even if it is almost last-minute. Later you can discuss it on Facebook if you would like.

Tip #5 Post a picture for each social activity

Humans are visual creatures and appreciate seeing pictures when you say something about a certain place/activity; you should only post one photo -at least for the initial social activity update - so make sure that it is the best one that represents the activity/place. Do not be afraid to use show some humor; no one can get tired of the 'crazy photos'.

Tip #6 Cut back on the updates as they can get to be too much to follow

It may be tempting to post many details of every activity in the day, but it can become too overwhelming for your friends to follow. Eventually friends may start to ignore all of your activities in general; this is something far from what anyone wants to happen.

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