Facebook Business Pages Now Available
Facebook Business Pages Now Available
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.07.28 07:10
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Minnesota, USA -July 27, 2011 - There is a lot of loud buzzing in the social networking world; however, Facebook launched its new "Facebook for Business" in silence on Tuesday. Although businesses obviously already used Facebook, it wants to make it more official by offering resources that can help businesses thrive through helping one another; in a way, it also encourages smaller businesses by letting them see that other businesses had success through Facebook as well. It sounds convenient and helpful, right Facebook is directly targeting what Google+ cannot offer right now. With the introduction of Skype to Facebook chat as well, it could be in the mix for 'business heaven' - this is if regular people also get on board with all the new changes.

Perhaps you started a business page and now you ask, "what now" It is time to review how to use Facebook to your advantage; after all, it almost takes science to reach enough followers and use every Facebook feature to optimize your pages views. In our online retailer world, page views normally correspond directly to success. If you open up your business to these new opportunities, you can connect directly with your followers and increase the chances of others being recruited as well.

Facebook for Business offers tools which help businesses measure what activities at which part of the day are the most effective for their businesses. For instance, businesses can discover what day and time of the week most users visit compared to the level of comment activity as well. As most people know, it is unlikely that it will be during 'business hours', so businesses may need to change their online schedule to match the needs of their customers. Facebook is about socializing with the customers and replying to their comments or questions in reasonable time -this gets users to keep going back to these business pages since they believe that these businesses truly cares for them.

Impressively Facebook gives step-by-step instructions on creating the ultimate online presence. Of course this does not mean you must abide by everything that it says; you are still in control of what you do and do not want to do online; if you do not want to run ads, do not do it because the other tips will help grow your user base as well. An interesting addition which could prove beneficial to businesses is the 'sponsored stories'; this is where users' activities may appear on the news feed so others can also become aware of the businesses.

We, Korea IT Times, have a few additional tips to the ones offered by Facebook.

1.)    Remember to use links that connect users to outside sources - edit any part by clicking on the yellow highlighted area after hovering over it

2.)    Upload photos that are memorable and unique to your company -do not forget to add 'tags' since these increase your online visibility

3.)    Add your company name to your personal profile -the more people that link themselves to your business page, the more likely you will be notice by more people

4.) Add your Facebook business link to your e-mail signature, official website, and other forms of communication

In order to visit Facebook for Business, click the link: www.facebook.com/business.

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