The Magic of Spotify takes us up to the Cloud
The Magic of Spotify takes us up to the Cloud
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.08.02 06:59
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Minnesota, USA -August 1, 2011 - When it comes to Spotify, the U.S. users are the newest to the group; anyone can use this service without waiting if he or she pays the $4.99 for the premium service. Otherwise, request an invitation and get on the long waiting list. I, foreign correspondent for Korea IT Times, was fortunate to know others from other parts of the world who had invitation codes. If you are interested in gaining a code, there are some music artists on Facebook who are giving away access such as Avril Lavigne; this is a clear indication that the music industry is on board when it comes to 'Spotify', so no one needs to worry about lawsuit issues.

'What is Spotify' you may ask. It is a service similar to ITunes; however, the users are not buying the songs but rather paying to access a huge library of songs -over 15 million songs. This means that users are not downloading or saving any of these songs on their computers or other electronic devices because all of it is in the Cloud; it is an advantage for anyone who is on-the-go and does not use the same computer. All you need to do is download the software to your device and login with your username and password; all the songs will show up just like they did on any other device.

Although there are the occasional commercials breaks for the free service, it is unlikely to bother most people; the ads typically pertain to the service itself, so they are not long -probably 15 seconds maximum. The type of commercials may change as time goes by; however, we cannot imagine that the length of time would increase. Clearly, Spotify does not want its service to be boggled down by ads that annoy its users; we hear more music than ads, thankfully.

For the users who know what songs they love to hear, the 'search' option is perfect! In most cases, I could quickly find the song that I wanted even if I put a few keywords and not the full title. In one instance, I did not know the song but knew it was from the 1990's, so I searched "90's" and found it due to its tremendous popularity at that time.

If you are unsure of what you want to find, the 'what's new' option is most convenient for browsing; it contains additional tabs, 'Top Lists' and 'Feed' where you can find a larger list of music and latest information about Spotify. The 'Top Lists' is divided up into the 'track' and 'album' portions, where both feature 100 options; there is a lot of potential in finding music that you could like!

It is simple to create playlists; over in the far-left side it shows '+ New Playlist', click this and type a name. After this, you only need to drag the music over to it in order for it to be added. You can even share these playlists with friends.

If you need more ideas on music, Spotify allows you to access your Facebook Friends published playlists; the possibilities are endless when your big group of friends begin to use Spotify as well, so spread the word!

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