Does Facebook Have Too Many Surprises Up Its Sleeve?
Does Facebook Have Too Many Surprises Up Its Sleeve?
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.08.06 08:08
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Minnesota, USA -August 5, 2011 - There is some good news for businesses, but bad news for Facebook users; Facebook is currently testing a new way to integrate advertisements into users' News Feeds. Right now a very small portion of Facebook users are part of the test that will eventually affect all users - there is no word on any specific date yet. What can be expected As much as Facebook gives the impression that it will not be excessive, it is likely to be distracting and possibly confusing for users. After all, who can understand finding a random advertisement in between posts of friends If it comes from a 'liked' page, perhaps it would not be the worst thing to see.

When Facebook brainstormed up with this idea, it is evident that it was only trying to resolve one problem that it had: getting users to look and click on ads. Undoubtedly the ads displayed on the right side of the page are not getting the attention that most companies expect; as users, we learned to ignore these. I admit that I only glance at it on occasion; mainly when I see Korean characters which naturally grab my attention - it is a language that I saw for many months so it makes sense for me to react to these and nothing else.

Being familiar with the options that Facebook provides its News Feed, there are several questions that popped up; for instance, we have the option to control the type of data that shows up on our New Feeds. With this in place, could users also decide to 'remove' a particular ad and stop ads of that company from displaying Facebook must be open to the fact that some advertisements do not match the users interests even if shows up in its enormous 'flow of data'. Someone may search 'Justin Bieber' but that does not mean someone likes him or wants to see any ads of him. Will users be able to filter the ads to fit their needs

Rumors are circulating that this is not the only change that Facebook is about to introduce; if the word is true, soon the 'like' button will not be the only option anymore. Unfortunately, I am not talking about the 'unlike' button that so many people want to have; instead, the buttons would be 'want', 'need', and words of that nature, which would assist companies in determining who to target. Is Facebook turning into a 'business oriented' company If this is true, it is a sad time for Facebook users.

If Facebook wants these changes to work in a positive way, it must also consider the users' needs for control over content. If this is not there, people are likely to flock to Google+ faster than ever before. Some say that Facebook is following the mistakes that Google made in the past; Facebook is creating a new mistake on a very social level - word spreads fast but even faster on a social networking site!


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