Where are we going 'after' the Digital Age?
Where are we going 'after' the Digital Age?
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.09.10 23:10
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Wisconsin, USA - September 9, 2011 - Our reliance on digital messaging remains clear; when we speak with people, we are more likely to say, 'text me when you know' than 'call me when you know'. We turn to our social networks in order to get the 'gossip' on others rather than picking up the phone and discussing it with friends. Information is floating around us in quantities that were not available before. We are hitting that mark in our daily lives where we are on 'information overload'. We have troubles sleeping, concentrating, and letting a moment pass without checking up on what others are doing around us. Yet, does this mean that we are not 'living' but rather 'watching' others live

As an anonymous commenter on Facebook said about the 'new page' layout recently, "It guilts me into having a social life because I feel like I need to post my location." It leaves the nagging feeling that we are just not doing enough; perhaps Facebook is 'encouraging' people to live by allowing all users access to the Places feature. Facebook guided our lives to be 'indoors' -let's face it, it is addicting. Out of guilt of nearly snatching away people's lives, Facebook likely had to figure out a way to get people to 'live' so that they can 'track' their likes, dislikes, and other interests more properly.

Yet, not all users are afraid to say they are at 'home' -it is evident by the amount of entries that pop up in the 'Place' box after typing the word; obviously some would be hesitant to input this with their address. Like many others, I simply click on one of them in the list. People who know my 'home' will know where I am. As for Facebook, they may be utterly confused on how I can be in one state one day and another the next day. But with such focus on having adventure, it is possible that it will be normal to be in one state or country one day and another place the next day.

Every part of our daily lives is affected by social interaction whether it is through social networks, text messages,  IM, or other means. Companies such as Facebook are shaping our future of the 'method' of socializing. Some envision our lives of the future as being in front of a computer. But why could it not be full of adventure with apps on our phones to update our every move across the country and world Our digital age is definitely becoming 'mobile'.

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