The Forever Evolving Facebook
The Forever Evolving Facebook
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.09.22 23:51
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Minnesota, USA -September 22, 2011 - The New Facebook may be overwhelming for some. The change is dramatic; it goes from a clean, crisp look to almost chaotic. The Top News remains in the middle of the page while a new 'ticker' -featuring all actions of friends - is in the top right corner and below that there are the alerts for events, birthdays, and other information. Facebook minimized its 'status' box, which requires users to click on the link to open it up to write -some users are confused by this so they still are not able to post a new status. On top of these changes, there is no longer a 'profile' button but rather users' names will replace this, so one must click on his or her own name to access his or her profile. What is the most exciting news There is still more changes to come on Thursday!


In addition to the changes to the users' profiles, business and other pages are also transforming; users no longer need to be a member of a group page or 'like' a business in order to leave any comments. As long as businesses put up posts on pages as 'public', anyone can post a reply. If businesses know what is best for them, they will keep their profiles public in order to have more people commenting and more of these people's friends noticing the activity; activity creates opportunities for more business. The drawback of leaving pages open to the public is that it could possibly lead to more negative feedback. In the eyes of the consumers, this is possibly the most beneficial part of the change.


The increased publicity of users' actions are enabling businesses and Facebook to track what its users like and display ads and similar content that closely matches its users interests. After all, Facebook wants businesses to succeed in marketing to an audience that is likely to buy products and services. If it can target consumers, the ads will be result in higher profits for businesses and Facebook. This is not to say that Facebook is merely changing for business; it also wants you to enjoy interacting with others, which means you also need to be able to monitor their 'likes', check-ins, and other activities. It is a win-win situation for business and socializing.

Users may modify the information that is displayed on the 'Top News'; if there is a story about a person or comment that is not necessary to see, users can change the settings to 'only important', 'most updates', or 'all updates' depending on the users' interests. In addition to this, there is the 'subscribe' option where Facebook will alert whenever there is any update to that friend's page.

Facebook is changing at rapid speed and it is not going to slow down. Be prepared for the big news on Thursday!

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