Social Networking Too Dangerous and Demanding for Children?
Social Networking Too Dangerous and Demanding for Children?
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.10.12 04:17
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Minnesota, USA -October 11, 2011 - There is constant debate over what is happening to the children who are growing up with Facebook and other social networking accounts. Through a series of surveys around the world -conducted by organizations such as UNICEF - we have discovered a trend that is growing among teenagers; over half of them are communicating with strangers online at least once a week while some of them are actually communicating with strangers daily. It is alarming for parents and adults since we understand the dangers that could come with this. In addition, it is leading to children as being too trusting of others.

On top of this, the time that children are using social networks is increasing; most of them typically multi-task by balancing 'homework time' with social networking. In many cases, teachers are reporting that school performance for students is suffering; even if they do homework while on Facebook or another network, they may not even finish the work or they will not focus as much on it and make poor mistakes. As many realize, children are getting less sleep since most stay up late and continue to use Facebook or other 'social' media. 'Social' fatigue is plaguing the younger generations and causing children to go to school with a 'networking hangover'.

Although some may claim that the media is over exaggerating the problem, there's a change that anyone can easily see just by watching a young person's daily habits. Socializing is now an obsession and it keeps kids awake at night when they should be asleep. Kids are learning to multi-task instead of focus on one task; even though multi-task is a necessary skill, the skill of 'focusing' is also needed. The quality of work is better when it is completed by itself. If kids cannot do homework by itself, how can we expect them to transition to the workplace and perform well without connecting to the social networks

Undoubtedly, you may be watching your kids online activity; however, you may consider buying software to monitor it even more since they could still be using it to contact strangers or spending too much online instead of focusing completely on homework.

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