Over Half of U.S. Mobile Users Access Social Content Daily
Over Half of U.S. Mobile Users Access Social Content Daily
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.10.22 09:13
  • 댓글 0
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Minnesota, USA -October 21, 2011 - According to Comscore, who specializes in measuring the digital world, 55% of cell phone users access their social content on their phones at least on a daily basis;  the activity from this time last year was dramatically less, which indicates that our cell phone usage and social networking habits are increasing by the day. A large portion of users access applications in order to post status updates, upload photos, and other various sharing activities; this will likely lead to new apps coming out and the demand for 'better' and more 'social' friendly applications to release as well. Indeed, we are 'social', and our habits are easily seen by this latest data.


Undoubtedly as more people obtain smartphones in the coming years, the boom of apps for social networking and other similar needs will happen as well. Even though not even half of cell phones in the U.S. are considered smartphones, people are already preparing for the 'super smartphone'; each time a new smartphone is released, it is smarter and fits the needs of consumers even more than the previous models. Now, people are bouncing from mobile service providers in order to obtain the phone of their choice -if it is exclusive to one provider. Then again, some people are watching and waiting for the best and 'super smartphone' to hit the market and that is the moment where they will finally make that long-awaited purchase.


Even though people seem anxious about privacy when it comes to their online habits, it is less of an issue when it comes to the mobile device; social networks and mobile app providers still can access the same information -it is simply connected to a number in addition to all the other information on the accounts. On top of this, rumors are circulating that Facebook is attempting to make pages for those who do not sign up for the service -basically, it wants to create a profile of everyone. Just like any internet company, Facebook wants to get to know its consumers and other sites' consumers in order to develop ways to compete even more.

The debates on privacy and the capabilities that companies have when it comes to accessing this information through technology will likely be common conversation in the future; especially when the 'super smartphones' finally debut -we are eagerly waiting for this remarkable transformation!

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