Will You Work Even More in 2012?
Will You Work Even More in 2012?
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.10.25 09:23
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Minnesota, USA -October 24, 2011 - As many people say: after the boom of cell phone use, we do not get as much 'quiet time' away from work; after all, we are expected to have a cell phone on us at all times and answer it whenever it rings. There is no 'alone' time and the working world could possibly 'end' if we were to turn off our phones after work. With the predicted increase use of the Cloud in 2012 and cell phone app potential, it is likely that people will be expected to work at random times during the day and night; in addition, a set work schedule may actually diminish and workers could be forced to hear from employers on when they will work, what they will do, and how they will do it. Obviously everything could be completed using the Cloud so employees may not even need to leave home -unless employers restrict certain programs from running outside of the company.


The transformation that we could see over the next year or so can be scary and comforting at the same time; Cloud computing is quite convenient so we could complete any tasks at any time, but we do not want to get up in the middle of the night because our employers notify us that there is work to do. If we thought that 'family life' is suffering now, we can only see it get worse in the future. Perhaps instead of having dinner together, we will be completing projects on the Cloud and video chatting with our families who may be only a few miles away. Then again, we may be asleep because of crazy working hours -could we say 'goodbye' to regular working hours


If you have not got into the habit of turning off your work phone when it is not working hours, you should begin this. We cannot say how long it will be before you will have no way of avoiding your employer altogether, so take advantage of this time while you can! If an employer truly needs to contact you in an emergency situation, he or she can always call your landline/home phone. It is time to shift your focus from work to your home life; reduce the level of stress now because it may increase dramatically in the near future.

As scary as it is, we can still find a way to influence our employers to give us reasonable tasks at good times of the day. Look at the bright side: you still have a job. It is likely that companies will reduce the amount of people they hire because there will be more that can be done by technology; be ready for a change that will affect your life, your family's, and your friends' lives.

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