Mobile Innovation Foreshadows Social Networking Changes?
Mobile Innovation Foreshadows Social Networking Changes?
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.10.26 08:37
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Minnesota, USA -October 25, 2011 - As more people use smartphones -specifically phones like iPhone 4S and Samsung Galaxy Nexus - and the increase in social networking usage also rises, a common theme between the two is likely to develop; after all, we are not only relying on our phones to keep up with our social networking needs, but our social networks need to change in order to keep up with the latest trends in mobile technology. If the voice activated assistant, Siri, on the iPhone 4S is any indication, we will be commanding our computers to voice message people on social networks, leave feedback via video chat without even clicking a button, and having access to massive information about our friends without needing to scroll or read at all.


For some, it may be hard to imagine a life without typing, scrolling, and remembering passwords or other important information; however, a life like this may not be too far in the future. Perhaps we will marvel and giggle endlessly over what we could ask our social networks to tell us about our friends or cruise through cyberspace as Facebook launches us to recommended pages as it listens to our questions about products or services. Can you imagine that we could possibly have all of this either on our computer or on our mobile phone We can be social, get answers to anything, and discover new products and services without touching a button.


"What is Jen doing after work" you may ask your social network and you get a response like, "according to her posts and her previous Place Check-ins, she will likely be at the Starbucks." Since social networking is already compiling data on our habits, likes and dislikes, it could predict where someone is likely to be if he or she did not post about future whereabouts; humans are creatures of habit, which makes it easy to track people, especially with years of information that piled up.

This transformation could seem fun, scary, or even concerning to some people; we all enjoy hearing an electronic voice tell us answers to anything; the potential that technology holds every secret to our lives may send shivers up our backs; and the fact that we will not be using as much reading or writing could cause an ability decline in written communication. The highs and lows of technology could get the best of us -we could solely rely on technology or become socializing maniacs starving for information and personal discovery.

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