Buy Perfect-Sized Clothing Online
Buy Perfect-Sized Clothing Online
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.10.27 08:36
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Minnesota, USA -October 26, 2011 - Typically in order to buy clothes online, you need to determine your size by the measurements provided in a chart; however, it does not guarantee that the outfit will look the best on your body. Instead of fussing with returns, you could be dancing around in the perfect clothing fit for your body. Now, a new 3D Body Scanner, BodyMetrics, could take precise measurements of your body and create an 'image' to help cloth you and you do not even need to leave your home! Although it is currently only sold in the U.K., we can still dream about the possibilities -but it likely will have a high price tag for some time, so it won't be in your room any time soon.


Technology tackled numerous issues for consumers whether it is providing ways for them to communicate with companies on a social networking page or giving them confidence in their purchases by showing the reviews of others' (some of them are acquaintances, friends, and family) prior to that 'fateful moment'. Yet, consumers still have difficulties with buying clothing online -it is difficult enough in a store to find the perfect fit, so we can assume that anything we buy online may not work for us. We can confidently buy electronics and other goods online with the confidence that they would work well for us -thankfully BodyMetrics is coming to the rescue to help us buy clothes without needing the drive!


As much as I love shopping in stores, I enjoy it just as much online; after all, it is easy and fast to purchase online -that's if I do not need the product right away in my hands. With BodyMetrics, I could shop for perfect clothes by stepping into it daily to get the most accurate sizing -our bodies are always changing so it makes sense to buy this machine. After this, BodyMetics "communicates" electronically with every website that you visit and it does the sizing work for you. Even though it does not get companies to create clothing for your size, at least it can take the frustration out of guessing which size is best -measurements of different parts could reveal even 3 different sizes in some cases!

On top of this, BodyMetrics' 3D Body Scanner is almost a fashion consultant; it can gives you tips on what type of clothing would look best on your body. Maybe we have a general idea after clothing ourselves for so long, but we normally do not try every style of clothing and may be surprised by what this machine tells us.

What is in our future Perhaps less traveling and more enjoying of clothes that feel like they were made for us!

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