Get 'Trusted Friends' on Facebook
Get 'Trusted Friends' on Facebook
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.10.29 00:56
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Minnesota, USA -October 28, 2011 - Imagine this, you look into your bag only to realize that your phone is missing along with other personal belongings. On top of this, you have an app on your phone that would give the thief access to all of your online -Facebook - life as well. What can you do Before you would need to log-in to your Facebook account and change the password; yet, what could you do if you forgot that password since you do not use it often You could do nothing. However, Facebook now gives the option for you to choose 3 to 5 people on your friends' list to be trusted with receiving the 'code' for you to get back into your Facebook account.

Some people may not trust anyone with their accounts; for those people, they can simply ignore this update. But if you are someone who trusts specific friends with any of your belongings and they also happen to be on your friends' list, this could be the perfect 'Plan B' for you! After all, if you can trust someone in real life, how could you not trust them with forwarding a code for you to get back into your Facebook account It is the perfect plan for the situations where you cannot access the phone which you have set up with your online account. In order to reset a password, you must be able to receive this special code.

Facebook explains it as a new approach to security; there are people whom we trust that are not us, so they understand that they should also 'trust' the few individuals that we trust in order to make our accounts more secure and easy to access in different situations. Facebook considers it like giving a neighbor or a close friend a key to your home while you are away -perhaps even while you are still home! It is the backup plan if anything happens to you, your home, or the key to get into your home.

On top of this, Facebook is opening the option for users to add a password to some of the Facebook Apps that are available; for those who are concerned about who could take/steal a phone and cause issues, this could calm some nerves. If anyone steals your phone, you can simply go through the process of having it replaced and not have the headache of trying to 'undo' any awful situations the person could have created with your online life. However, the option is not available for all apps.

To add 'trusted friends' to your security settings, go to Account Settings, click App Passwords; you can enter a password along with an e-mail so that you do not actually need to remember the password. It is available for you in case of these 'emergency' situations.

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