Give Your Business' Social Page a Happy Beginning
Give Your Business' Social Page a Happy Beginning
  • Natasha Willhite, US Correspondent of Korea IT Tim
  • 승인 2011.11.01 08:18
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Minnesota, USA -October 31, 2011 - It is easy for one or two bad reviews/testimonials/comments on your page to quickly push your business in the direction of the dump; however, there is also ways in which to prevent many of these from coming up or even ways to generate more positive reviews to outweigh the 'bad' - the more positive reviews, the less hesitation on the customers' ends. But do not sink so low to ask your employees to create personal accounts and post reviews; after all, what seems too good to be true will also stop potential customers from buying your products or services.


Some businesses conduct too much business in the public eye; always remember that the sooner you can get talking with customers via e-mail or telephone, the better the results will be. After all, customers want to be treated like they are special; it is also good to not have a bunch of comments cluttering your page and keeping potential customers from seeing how wonderful of a company you are. It gives you and your customers the opportunity to talk about specifics like order numbers and other disputes without having other customers looking at every step along the way.


Always ensure that customers feel that they can e-mail or call your customer service and get a solution for any of their concerns; most people put up bad comments or reviews when they need to vent frustrations after not finding any help. After the solution is solved, politely ask your customers if they would write a testimonial or review for you -this could be on your website or social page. It is a good idea to give a direct link to the page so that they are more likely to write a review -even if it is short.

Periodically browse the web to see if any websites or social pages were created from 'negative feelings' of customers/competitors; if it was a result of a customer service issue, try to resolve the problem by compensating them in some way. However, do not do this for every case because it could drive your business to the ground -people are dying to get attention from companies in order to obtain more; have an eye for the situations which are indeed your company's fault.

Remember to respond to customer comments and inquires in reasonable time; if questions keep repeating, create a section of 'FAQS' so that customers and potential customers may get the answers even quicker. Engage with your customers and try to get them talking on your social page; invite them to play word games or give reviews on particular products. After all, the more relevant the information on your pages are, the more helpful it is to your present and future business.

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