AMOLED's Core Technologies Spilt Over
AMOLED's Core Technologies Spilt Over
  • Park Jeong-jun (
  • 승인 2012.06.28 13:28
  • 댓글 0
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SEOUL,KOREAOn Wednesday, Prosecutor's Office Hi-tech Crime Investigation Department told that three employees working for an Israeli firm were indicted allegedly on charge of leaking core display technologies from Samsung and LG. And three other senior employees from its Korean branch were also summoned.

According to Prosecutors, from October 2011 until January this year, they, while visiting the factories of the above two companies, stole "AMOLED" information by either storing it on memory sticks or hiding in their personal accesories such as shoes and wallets.

"It is highly likely that the technologies were relayed to foreign parties in Taiwan and China via the Israeli company located in Korea." said officials. "it can cost dearly at the national level, and we are concerned that it might result in a significant shift in the international display industry."

Korea's two major display manufacturers have been leading the AM-OLED market which amounts up to USD 78 billion. The leaked technologies are considered "core national industrial technologies"

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