E-Commerce Last Year Reached Above KRW 1,000 Trillion
E-Commerce Last Year Reached Above KRW 1,000 Trillion
  • Korea IT Times (info@koreaittimes.com)
  • 승인 2013.03.01 11:06
  • 댓글 0
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SEOUL, KOREA - The size of transactions in electronic commerce stood at more than KRW 1,000 trillion last year.

‘2012 E-Commerce and Cyber Shopping Trend’ released by the National Statistical Office yesterday showed that the total amount of electronic commerce last year reached KRW 1,144.7 trillion, up 14.5% from the previous year.

Such a great amount exceeds the size of Korea’s real GDP worth KRW 1,103.5 trillion last year. Back in 2007, the amount of transactions made in e-commerce stood at KRW 516.5 trillion. Five year since then, however, the size increased by more than two times.

Business-to-business e-commerce accounted for 91.8% of the total, up 15.1% from the year before. And other Internet businesses including C2C (customer to customer), B2G (business to government) and B2C (business to customer) went up by 20.6%, 6.6% and 6% respectively.

The total size of transactions made for cyber shopping last year posted KRW 32.347 trillion, increasing by 11.3% compared with the previous year.

Electronic businesses related with travelling and reservation service grew by 32.3%, followed by food and beverage (22.8%), living and car products (17.1%) and home appliances, electronic goods, telecommunications goods (10%). Software and flowers e-commerce, however, dropped by 12.8% and 8.9% respectively.

작년 전자상거래 1000조원 돌파

지난해 전자상거래 규모가 1000조원을 돌파했다.

통계청이 27일 발표한 `2012년 전자상거래·사이버쇼핑 동향`에 따르면 지난해 전자상거래 총액은 1144조7000억원으로 전년보다 14.5% 증가했다.

이는 물가변동 등을 고려한 지난해 실질 국내총생산(GDP) 규모(1103조5000억원)를 앞지르는 수치다.
불과 5년 전인 2007년(516조5000억원)보다 거래액이 2배 넘게 늘었다.

부문별는 기업간(B2B)거래가 전체 거래액의 91.8%를 차지했다. 전년대비 15.1% 증가했다.
소비자간(C2C) 거래는 20.6% 늘었고, 기업과 정부간(B2G) 거래 6.6%, 기업과 소비자간(B2C) 거래 6.0% 각각 증가했다.

지난해 사이버쇼핑 거래액은 32조3470억원으로 전년보다 11.3% 늘었다.

여행·예약 서비스(32.3%), 음식료품(22.8%), 생활·자동차용품(17.1%), 가전·전자·통신기기(10.0%) 등이 증가했다. 소프트웨어(-12.8%)와 꽃(-8.9%)은 감소했다.

지급결제 수단은 카드가 73.1%로 가장 많았고 계좌이체(20.9%), 전자화폐(2.6%)가 뒤를 이었다. 배송 수단은 택배(84.6%), 자체배송(10.8%), 오프라인 제휴(1.7%) 순이었다.

대전=신선미기자 smshin@etnews.com

**Article provided by etnews [Korea IT News]

[Reference] :  http://english.etnews.com/internet/2728226_1299.html

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