SATO Group Establishing SATO Global Solutions and SATO International, Accelerating Global Growth Strategy
SATO Group Establishing SATO Global Solutions and SATO International, Accelerating Global Growth Strategy
  • Korea IT Times (
  • 승인 2014.10.31 18:25
  • 댓글 0
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TOKYO, JAPAN - SATO, a global leader in barcode printing, labelling, and EPC/RFID solutions, today announced plans to accelerate its global growth strategy through the establishment of two new group companies – SATO Global Solutions and SATO International. Both companies will officially launch in January 2015, with SATO Global Solutions headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, and SATO International in Tokyo, Japan.

As part of SATO’s long-term strategy, corporate globalization and maximization of customer value were targeted as focus areas to grow its business overseas. These areas were core components of the medium-term management plan executed over the course of FY2012 to FY2014, resulting in the following achievements for FY2013.

-Overseas Sales: JPY 28.3 billion,*  a 153% increase from 2011

-Overseas Sales Ratio: 29.3%, a 23% increase from 2011

-Overseas Operating Income: JPY 1.8 billion,* a 461% increase from 2011

-Overseas Operating Income Ratio: 6.4%, a 2.1% increase from 2011

*Highest figures ever recorded

Mike Beedles has been appointed to lead SATO Global Solutions. Mr. Beedles has a strong entrepreneurial background and deep knowledge of supply chain management, with over twenty years of consulting, sales and management experience. Since 2007 he has led a specialized team within SATO America focused on system integration, developing and deploying warehouse management systems, traceability systems and RFID solutions.

To ensure the rapid execution of the Group’s strategy, Kaz Matsuyama, President and CEO of SATO Holdings, will also serve as the head of SATO International, allowing for central management of global business operations and close cooperation between the Japan HQ and overseas group companies.    


By Lee Jun-seung (

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