IMID 2009 Gives Prizes to 11 Academic, Corporate Staffers
IMID 2009 Gives Prizes to 11 Academic, Corporate Staffers
  • Chung Myung-je
  • 승인 2009.10.14 01:16
  • 댓글 0
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The winners in Korea Electronics Grand Fair 2009

The 9th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2009) organized by the Korea Display Industry Association (KDIA) gave prizes on Oct. 13 to 11 scientists and corporate staffers for inspiring the desire to develop new display technologies and contributing to the development of the display industry.

Choi Kyung-hwan, Minister of Knowledge Economy delivers his speech in awards ceremony

Minister of Education, Science and Technology awards and Korea Information Display Society (KIDS) awards were given to six academics and corporate executives including Bae Byung-soo, a professor of new materials engineering at KAIST.

Kim Moon-su, Governor of Gyeonggi Province, Choi Kyung-hwan, Minister of Knowledge Economy and Yoon Jong-yong raise a toast to

Minister of Knowledge Economy prizes and KDIA prizes were awarded to five, including Lee Jae-won, a senior staffer of LG Display.

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