SK Telecom Listed on DJSI World for 10 Consecutive Years
SK Telecom Listed on DJSI World for 10 Consecutive Years
  • By yoo mi-ja(
  • 승인 2017.09.08 01:19
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Seoul, Korea, September 7, 2017/Korea IT Times – SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM) today announced that it has been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World for 10 years in a row.

The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) were jointly launched in 1999 by S&P Dow Jones, the world’s largest financial information service provider, and RobecoSAM, an investment specialist focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing (SI), to evaluate the sustainability performance of the largest 2,500 companies listed on the Dow Jones Global Total Stock Market Index (DJGTSMI). The DJSI covers companies that have ranked in the top 10 percent of DJSI.

Among the world’s major telecom companies, only four companies – SK Telecom, Deutsch Telecom, Telecom Italia, Telus – were included in the DJSI World this year.

This marks the tenth straight year that SK Telecom has been included in the DJSI World. Since 2008, SK Telecom has been operating ‘Corporate Citizenship Committee’ under its Board of Directors to take charge of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility issues/activities. In addition, it is taking an active part in in the UN Global Compact’s LEAD initiative. The LEAD companies are working to advance corporate sustainability by aligning their strategies and activities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contributing their knowledge and experience to the development of resources and tools intended to guide the implementation of SDGs by business.

“SK Telecom is pleased to announce that it has been listed on the DJSI World for ten consecutive years as it recognizes its relentless efforts to advance sustainable management,” said Yoo Young-sang, the Chief Financial Officer of SK Telecom. “Going forward, we will continue to increase the corporate value by not only delivering strong financial results but also promoting a more responsible management.”

About SK Telecom

Established in 1984, SK Telecom is the largest mobile operator in Korea by both revenue and number of subscribers. As of March 2017, the company holds around 50 percent of the market, with 29.83 million mobile subscribers including 21.65 million LTE subscribers. It has reached KRW 17.092 trillion in revenue in 2016.

SK Telecom has led the advancement of mobile technologies ranging from 2G to 4G, and is currently setting important milestones in its journey to 5G. The company is not only leading innovation in the field of mobile network, but also providing IoT, media, home and platform services.

SK Telecom is determined to play a significant role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution by achieving innovations and promoting shared growth with other players in the industry.

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Media Contact

Kim, Ju-hyun

SK Telecom Co. Ltd.

(822) 6100 3833

Lee, Han-byeol

Burson-Marsteller Korea

(822) 3782 6457



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