Cloudbric and eSecureData Announce Partnership to Extend WAF Service to Web Hosting Providers
Cloudbric and eSecureData Announce Partnership to Extend WAF Service to Web Hosting Providers
  • BY Monica Youn-soo Chung, CANADA CORRESPONDENT(MON
  • 승인 2017.09.23 07:20
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 22, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE/Korea IT Times) -- As a growing global web security service, Cloudbric has continued to respond to increased demand for cloud services and announced today a partnership with eSecureData, Canada’s leading web hosting and infrastructure company. Together, the companies hope to unite elite website security with the reliability of a major data center in the region.

This partnership coincides with a growing trend in Canada in which more businesses are subscribing to cloud-based cyber security services. With Canadian businesses capitalizing on these services, more attention is being drawn to cloud-based WAF services in particular since they possess the necessary capabilities to thwart cyber threats. The stakes are high, especially as the cost for a data breach for the average business is rising annually.

By expanding eSecureData’s product listing, web hosting providers and website owners alike can take advantage of Cloudbric’s highly rated WAF, acknowledged in the industry for its high-accuracy detection against unknown and known web attacks. Through a secure and reliable data center, workloads and data are also maintained within Canadian borders for greater performance. For web hosting providers, this partnership will allow for a faster and more affordable security option in the face of cyber security challenges.

“We’re excited to work with our first channel partner in Canada and look forward to bringing quality service and customer support to more users by expanding our presence in the North American region where emerging cybersecurity threats call for a trusted, reliable WAF,” says VP of Product & Technology TJ Jung.

“Security has always been a top priority for eSecureData, especially given the current climate, with more exploits and privacy concerns than ever. That's why we're excited to be partnering with Cloudbric for their debut into the Canadian market, helping us keep traffic secure in Canada,” says eSecure’s data center manager, Rob Duffy.

Cloudbric’s has expanded its WAF infrastructure to the entire North American region and anticipates more IDCs to open in 2018, adding to the existing eight in the region.

About Cloudbric
Cloudbric is a cloud-based web security service, offering a WAF, DDoS protection, and free SSL as a full-service package. Developed by Penta Security, Cloudbric utilizes an award-winning logic-based detection engine to filter malicious website traffic with industry-leading precision, delivering one of the lowest false positive rates among competitors. Please visit for more information or direct partnership inquiries to

About eSecureData
eSecureData is a data center and dedicated server provider based in Vancouver, B.C. and provides premium data center colocation facilities, Canadian dedicated servers, and Canadian Cloud Hosting services to businesses and IT professionals. With Carrier Neutral facilities, 24/7 security, and a 100% Network Uptime Guarantee, eSecureData has the resources to meet requirements at any scale.


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