AI star from China: AIcorrect Translator rocking at CES
AI star from China: AIcorrect Translator rocking at CES
  • monica
  • 승인 2018.01.14 02:17
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LAS VEGAS, Jan. 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ KOREA IT TIMES-- The top-of-the-line trade show for the global consumer electronics industry - CES 2018 at Vegas has been open to the world since January 9th. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and products brought by Chinese companies are among the most impressive at the show, out of which, AIcorrect Translator, developed and introduced by Babel Technology in Beijing, a Tsinghua-based team, attracts attention of the buyers and exhibitors from around the world.

AIcorrect Translator supports real-time mutual voice translation between Chinese/English and 30 other languages.
AIcorrect Translator supports real-time mutual voice translation between Chinese/English and 30 other languages.

As a utility realization of AI technology in civilian field, AIcorrect Translator deals with problems in cross-linguistic communication. It supports real-time mutual translation in multiple situations between Chinese/English and 30 other languages, including Japanese, Korean, Thai, French, Russian and Spanish, major languages like English are further divided into accents. The translation quality reaches as high as 96%.

It also has a touch screen, where transcription and translation are shown at the same time. Even more surprisingly, up to four devices connected, AIcorrect Translator supports conversation in up to four different languages. Right on the show floor, many attendees are amazed at its utility and functionality, a British buyer even showed intention of pre-ordering 2,000 units on-site.

Over the recent years, China has overtaken the other players in the field of artificial intelligence, in that applications and development for civilian purposes like mobile pay have obtained remarkable achievements, drones and other innovational products also walked into the industrial forefront. Lei Guan, CEO of Babel Technology, seemed a little bit emotional when talking with us. "As a Chinese pathfinder in the field of AI, we designed the device in hoping that hundreds of millions of people can have access to it and carry out cross-linguistic communication all barrier-free." He added, "with AIcorrect Translator, our dream will no more fear the difference of languages."

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