Samsung Saves the Day in the iPhone Soap
Samsung Saves the Day in the iPhone Soap
  • Daniel Ko
  • 승인 2010.07.26 16:45
  • 댓글 0
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Over the last few weeks, the reception problems with Apple's newly released iPhone have received much publicity. Apple then decided to offer a solution by providing iPhone users a free case. However, competing company Samsung has decided to take advantage of the situation by trying to win over the displeased customers by offering them a free Galaxy S android smartphone.

On Samsung's company website twitter, they posted the message:

 "Know someone who's been experiencing issues with their phone Spread the word they could try our new Samsung #GalaxyS to see how it compares."

Samsung has been urging displeased iPhone users to try out their Galaxy S smartphone for free. All they had to do was contact Samsung with their information.

Also, this twitter post has been claimed official. According to CNN, they have received official word from Samsung that this is legitimate. A spokesperson for Samsung stated, "Recently there has been a real increase in online activity from consumers dissatisfied with some of our competitors' products. We decided to contact a cross section of individuals to offer them a free Samsung Galaxy S as a replacement, as we're confident that once people have the phone in their hands, they'll see how impressive it is for themselves."

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